Pima & Happy Valley Roads
Pima Rd (Pinnacle Peak – Happy Valley)
Happy Valley Rd (Pima - Alma School)
Happy Valley Rd (Pima - Alma School)
City of Scottsdale/Haydon Building Corp
Services Provided
Construction Materials Testing
Materials Quality Control (QC)
Project Details
This large Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) effort in Scottsdale, AZ consists of reconstructing and widening nearly 3 miles of roadway along Pima Rd (Pinnacle Peak Rd to Happy Valley Rd) and Happy Valley Rd (Pima Rd to Alma School Rd). The work includes removals, roadway excavation, grading and subgrade preparation; concrete curb, gutter, sidewalk, and pathways; waterline, sewer line, storm drain, and catch basins; box culvert and sound wall structures; asphalt and Portland cement concrete paving; signals, lighting, hard scape, irrigation, and related miscellaneous work. All of this work must comply with MAG, the City of Scottsdale MAG Supplement, and project specific plans and specifications.
As the Quality Control subconsultant, QT performs materials testing during construction, manages and assimilates testing data, reports on compliance status in real time, and works jointly with our Contractor client and owner oversight personnel to facilitate materials acceptance.