Lower Buckeye Rd (67th Ave to 71st Ave)



Lower Buckeye Rd (67th Ave to 71st Ave)(TT0495)


Phoenix, Arizona


Maricopa Co Dept of Transportation (MCDOT)

Services Provided

Construction Administration
Office Management
Materials Testing

Lower Buckeye Rd (67th Ave to 71st Ave)




Maricopa Co Dept of Transportation (MCDOT)

Services Provided

Construction Administration
Office Management
Materials Testing


Project Details

This $4.8M Lower Buckeye Rd (71st Ave-67th Ave) project (TT0495) was located mostly within a Maricopa County island, and immediately adjacent to City of Phoenix (COP) land along the north, east and west project limits. Within the County island, Lower Buckeye Rd (LBR) was in severe need of modernization and improvement in preparation for future annexation by the City. The MCDOT project was designed to eliminate a severe vehicular traffic pinch point and to greatly improve drainage, lighting, and pedestrian access along the road and through the intersections. Work on the project included realigning a COP 12” waterline; a new storm drain system along LBR that ties into an existing 96” COP storm drain 20’ below 67th Ave; roadway widening and related earthwork; traffic signal removal and replacement; new street lighting; curb, gutter and ADA-compliant sidewalk and curb ramps; multiple SRP irrigation and other utility manhole grade adjustments; removing existing pavement, preparing subgrade, providing a new asphalt rubber pavement section; and related signing and striping. The project required considerable coordination with the City of Phoenix Water Services Department, Planning and Development Department and multiple divisions within the Streets Transportation Department including Design & Construction Management and Traffic Services.


Through our On-Call Construction Administration contract with MCDOT, QT provided the Resident Engineer, along with a full support staff, including inspectors, materials testers, and office administrative support. QT was responsible for evaluating all project work during construction and ultimately documenting compliance with the contract documents, measuring accepted quantities for payment to the Contractor, evaluating and approving traffic control plans, obtaining City TRACS permits for traffic control, managing the change process, distributing Construction Revision packages, working with the design team and other involved agencies to resolve design or agency preference issues, and working with the MCDOT Public Information Officer to provide accurate public notifications.
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